" In February, I attended a seminar Samantha put on about gratitude. After the seminar, we spoke about my situation in general and I told her about my desire for this place and my doubts about being able to get it. She told me without hesitation “Go for it”. It was strangely liberating to hear. Up until that day, I had been debating it in my mind, Can I afford it? Is it too much? Will it even be available if I figure out a way to get the necessary money for it?  

After hearing her words, honestly, the doubt went away.  I checked with my realtor and he assured me the place, 5 months later  was still available, I told him cause it’s waiting for me.  And then I had an amazing day.  A client who I was waiting on since last summer for a large project that would enable me to go for the place called me with news.  Not only was the project suddenly a go.  But there was additional work that would be required, my anticipated project had just become bigger than I ever expected. Samantha had suggested that I only focus on the end result I wanted and I did.  It blew my mind! I scrambled to put in the offer and it was instantly accepted that same day.  And honestly, it was because of those three words Samantha uttered to me “Go for it”and her advice.  I’ll never forget that as long as I live.   There’s so much more that went into me getting my Fantasy than I can even write.  It had be closed twice and both failed.  Others made offers that were flatly rejected.  This is my miracle home and I can’t wait to move in!”



Testimonial -Tamiah Johnson


Testimonial -Joy M.